Eng Title: Agarest Senki Mariage
Jpn Title: アガレスト戦記 Mariage
Genre: RPG Game
Platform: PSP
Size: 1.53GB
Format: ISO
Region : JPN
Lang : Japaness
Realease Date: Jul.19.2012 [Japan]
Homepage: http://www.compileheart.com/agarest_m/
Description :
The game puts spotlight upon the cute interactions which the protagonist, and subsequently the player, of this upcoming game will have – and keeping in mind that this title is literally centered around the ultimate goal of making children with the many enticing female heroines, one should already be able to insinuate the sort of discussions rampant throughout the game. They’re all inclined towards 2-D females, their physique, outfits, and essentially all the sweet and frilly things which compose a girl of the second dimension.
The game becomes even naughtier with the night time conversation scenarios. Your every action in the ladies’ rooms affect not only their love gauges, but their Blue Mage powers as well. And after you have made up your mind on which girl to wed, at the end of the the first generation adventures, there is the Honeymoon period. Enjoy.
The gender of your child and the mother of your child affects the second generation’s abilities. So get closer to the mother to ensure that you give your child an extra leg up in his or her career as a hero(ine).
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